For high school students, spring is full of milestones – spring break trips, prom, and graduation being highlights that students and their parents look forward to. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), it’s also one of the most dangerous times for teens on the road. Texting, underage drinking, and other distractions lead […]
According to the Insurance Research Council (IRC), 9-11% of Arizona drivers are not insured as of 2014. What is an Uninsured Vehicle? An uninsured vehicle is typically considered one of the following: Vehicles that are not covered in a state that requires automobile insurance Vehicles used in hit-and-run incidents, where the identity of the driver […]
It is easy to become confused about auto insurance details. There is some level of coverage that is actually required under the law, and there are many other types that can be added on to provide extra protection for a car insurance claim. But what coverage makes sense in your specific case? It is natural to […]
A claim for injuries caused by an uninsured motorist is similar to most other claims for injuries from a motor vehicle accident. The principal difference is that your own insurance company will be defending against your claim. The uninsured driver may not even be present at any of the proceedings. In fact, if your claim […]
With only a week to go until Christmas, holiday parties are taking place all over. A designated driver is crucial for everyone to have a safe holiday now more than any other time of the year. Designated drivers are an integral part of keeping roads safe, and by educating friends and family we can work […]
*Written by Susan Watson, marketing and communications for Point of No Return. We are excited to partner with Point of No Return to help raise awareness about teenagers making smart decisions when driving. Do you ever wish you could “rewind” a decision you’ve made? We can try to make amends, change directions, apologize for wrong […]
Written by Kelley Dupps, MADD Arizona Program Specialist. We are excited to partner with MADD Arizona to help raise awareness about making sure everyone arrives safely at their destination and also talking to children in your life about alcohol. The Holiday Season has arrived and with it, joyous celebrations and holiday cheer! Many of these […]
Traffic crashes are the leading killer of teens in this country. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data, each year more than 5,000 teens aged 16-20 are killed in car crashes. National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS) believes effective youth prevention programs are teen-led and teen-informed. The NOYS Coalition acknowledges the need to convene, train, and empower […]
The statistics on the dangers of texting and driving are alarming. Even if you are not the one texting and driving, those who choose to engage in this dangerous activity are not only gambling with their own safety, but yours as well. We have highlighted many statistics in our other blogs about texting while driving […]
As drivers, we are constantly reminded of the dangers of drinking and driving and the harsh penalties associated with drinking under the influence. We have touched on the dangers of drinking and driving but should texting while driving penalties be similar to those of DUIs? A study by Car and Driver Magazine suggests that texting while driving […]