Happy 4th of July
Friedl Richardson Trial Lawyers would like to wish you a Happy 4th of July! It is important for you and your family to be aware of firework safety and regulations this holiday weekend. It was reported that 9,600 individuals were injured from fireworks last year, and this number can easily be avoided if the proper precautions are taken beforehand.
If you plan on setting off fireworks with friends and family this year, remember that alcohol and fireworks do not mix. Anyone setting off fireworks or even lighting sparklers should avoid drinking any alcohol.
Fireworks Safety Tips
- Fireworks come with labeled instructions for a reason, so do not try to alter the steps given to you. Never launch fireworks from your hand, or combine two different brands of fireworks. Making one mistake could cost you severely.
- While sparklers may seem less destructive, no one under the age of 12 should handle any sort of firework, no matter the size, which includes the use of sparklers. It is also critical to understand the dangers behind homemade fireworks. Even if your guests ensure that their homemade firework is safe, never use any materials not purchased from the store.
If you plan on being the host of a 4th of July celebration, make sure that your guests are complying to the above rules to prevent any accidents from happening on your property.